Intro to the Holographic Mind

Hello and welcome to! I truly hope you enjoy these audio podcast files as a way into the incredible world of the holographic mind!
So let me first introduce myself. Since I write science fiction music and stories you can call me Sci Fi Lou. I am the author of this website as well as owner and producer of Where you can listen to science fiction music and read cool sci fi stories!
But here at holographic mind I am hoping to elevate the advanced state of thinking we as a species can obtain by first understanding the advanced nature of how the mind, brain and body can interact to expand consciousness!
And further how we can use super science and its technology to greater understand human consciousness! Quite a mouthful but if you give a little thought what I am saying is how do we as humans understand our minds and then also the universe as a whole?
Its an incredible effort. So when i started writing scifi stories, i started to allow my belief system to expand and with that i began thinking about how to communicate advanced concepts like the study of mind and consciousness to the extent of using super AI computers that will somehow create a virtual bioelectric connection! In other words by assuming certain future technology will exist one day consciousness as we know it may change radically in the future through the use of super quantum computers, photonic processors, and neural networks. Stuff that we might consider mind blowing! You can see how things can begin to get interesting!
So buckle up ladies and gentle men as said in the magic book called Alice in wonder land down the rabbit hole we go! Where do we end up? Well thats up to me you and the universe. So in general you may have to imagine certain future technologies but more importantly try to understand the holographic nature of ourselves and the universe.
So lets start with the design of a hologram? if you google some of the things i discuss it will help as well this way you as a reader of this site can get a better feel of the advanced architecture language can support.
So getting back to the hologram one powerful property of the concept is how every piece of the hologram incorporates pieces of the whole hologramic picture. Now think about mind what if our minds have a holographic operating system that can work on a morphogenic field basis that uses holographic concepts to run the brain of humans or other creatures that require a fairly complex array of functions including autonomic to the rest of the body. A kind of code where every piece of the brain body system is interconnected via complex pathways including biological and electrical!
So the holographic mind may be some extremely advanced quantum operating system that has a multi dimensional code that keeps everything running in human beings including possibly someones soul or if you would like to call it possibly a soul code. A unique code that every living human being has there very own and unique code!
Now to all you folks listening, there is quite a bit of stuff I will be discussing in the future as i progress to do more audio pods. But what i would like you to do is to start by asking yourself what would you do if you wanted to truly study the mind and consciousness how would you go about that?
would you do something like I did? Like support the possibility of incredible technologies that would be able to integrate peoples minds? like virtual reality and the creation of a unified consciousness through virtual super computer integration escorted and monitored by artificial intelligence where its sole purpose is to keep your mind and the minds of others all integrated and connected? Haah!
How is that for a finish to the intro to the holographic mind. Just start asking deep questions people!
Truly i say to you all the possibilities are endless!! We could be living in what some people believe is a super matrix a pre designed reality! Can we as humans really know for sure? It seems by many power minds in our world today the answer remains no we can not for sure know if we live in a matrix or not! Wow right makes you wonder.
Let us just hope that we expand our consciousness for the better and not for the destruction of the human race and the world we inhabit! Please we all need to make this world a better place and believe it or not it does start with your mind! Change your mind and who knows, you might change the world!
Thank you everyone until next time this is Sci-Fi Lou wishing you wellness and happiness as you expand your consciousness. Names day! Till next podcast be well and take care! Peace…


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