Hi everybody my aka is Sci-Fi Lou and this website is dedicated to the extremely high concept of the “Holographic Mind” Is there a scientific quantum mechanical component to all this that you and me are calling the Holographic Mind? I happen to think so and I began to apply possible high concepts of mind theory to the possibility of one science being able to actually advance a powerful high concept definition such as PSYCHO-TRONIC Technology that could be able possibly through the use of very powerful super computers even to the degree of the incredible QUANTUM COMPUTERS and there spooky phenomena such as DUALITY and SUPER-IMPOSITION; the capability of the such phenomena I felt could be applied to the research and theory of how the brain and mind and body for that matter could work in some subatomic form. To allow for such advanced integration some kind of holographic code seems necessary! A holographic code of every piece of the body and brain is somehow stored in the brain and mind as some kind of holographic computerized matrix! Could there be a way to decode this “halographic mind code?” Some human beings think so, and are beginning to try to understand it! It was through the extremely high concept and theory that the brain was a QUANTUM PHYSICAL DEVICE! Yes albeit biological, but remember that science already knows of how neurons communicate through particles some of which are highly charged such as sodium and potassium which reside as ions in the cellular walls of neurons well know as the sodium and potassium ion channels! Which by the way is significant in the firing of dendrites and their branches to other neighboring neurons etc. So thinking that their is a Morphogenic-Holographic-Energetic-Intelligent-Bio-electrical field; a Super Quantum Mechanical “QUASI-MEMBRANE” suddenly becomes fairly obvious considering the advanced nature of such integration!
Getting an idea of this leads me to believe that stories are required to delve deep into it! I realize also that these stories should be able to find the key to unlock your body-minds abilities while focusing on the psycho-tronic posibilities! Get it? Human beings suddenly start investigating the possibilities on a grand scale by connecting to the spooky and magical nature of subatomic particles and how they interact with a human beings brain and mind quantum mechanically!
Remember I am doing this to activate peoples minds to think of the possibilities of our minds and brains! And what an advanced human being may be doing in the future and how they might study the workings of the human mind even to possibilities of group mind sciences perhaps even on a grand scale integrating millions of human being through some kind of MIND MATRIX! Read ON and be interested in such things because they could represent a brand new super quantum model of how the mind works in this quantum mechanical universe!
Talk soon
Sci-Fi Lou (5-17 & BEYOND…
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